Cutting-Edge Solutions, parent company of Pro-Active Websites works with leading vendors within the music products industry at varying levels.
Some of these vendors are actual customers and utilize our vendor system, The Generator. This system provides vendors with a suite of sales & marketing tools designed to help them become more efficient in how they promote and sell to their dealers.
Some of the vendors using The Generator, provide integrated drop-shipping to authorized dealers with a Pro-Active Website. Drop-shipping services are provided solely at the discretion of the vendor and Cutting-Edge Solutions has no authority regarding who is eligible for the products offered by the vendor or the actual feed itself. Only on the approval of the vendor, will we deliver product feeds to a dealer with a Pro-Active website.
Vendors who participate in our Vendor Network provide their data to us and we in turn, deliver it to authorized websites within our network. These vendors are not using our Generator System and provide their data at their desired frequency. While most feeds are updated weekly, some may be less frequent due to the amount of data that changes. This is solely at the discretion of the vendor.
These vendors do not have integrated drop-shipping in place and rely on the dealer to initiate an order for any products sold on their websites. Please contact your sales rep to discuss their drop-shipping policy and any possible fees.
Please contact your Pro-Active Sales Rep for more details about the vendor feeds we represent at 847-398-5444 or